
That fall in love like a flower

From the age of 16 that fall, Allen wanted a life, this idea as desolate as the pathos of this season, Allen's heart will be a thorn raw so. Also in the fall of the day, Yan Yang appeared. Like the warm autumn sun, as in Allen's eyes.

Across the balcony, Ellen Yan Yang family can see everything. Yan Yang, who lives in a small cottage, small cottage in this small house seemed so fragile a place lined, delicate and charming. Allen would like the house collapsed in a night out? The problem is deep-seated brain Allen, which led to her every night insomnia. Finally one day, came across a breathtaking balcony cries, Allen quickly jumped out of bed and ran to the balcony. Hut surrounded by a lot of people, a disheveled woman crying days to grab a man holding a stick in chasing her, and Allen saw this little boy detached house on one side, looked up, eyes just right on the Ellen , which makes Allen some panic, as the children do something wrong, like to hide in the house.

Allen secretly to the other side the next day.

What are you looking? Allen to the door in time to peek inside, behind him a voice of discontent. Allen was shocked, and turned it on just in time for the eyes of the cold.

Oh, my name is Alan. The answer to the boy frowned, think it is very unsatisfactory.

Did not ask your name, tell me what are you reading? ! Boy's voice was angry.

I ... ... Yesterday, I saw a lot of people around your house and wanted to see how is it? Alan felt his heart is going.

A woman for money betrayed her husband and son! Now you happy now! After the boy entered the room the door was forced. Allen, a man standing outside the door, a sudden inexplicable sad heart, she would like to house did not collapse, but the collapse of a small room of people. Allen would like the boy must be very sad.

So Allen went to the house every day to find the boy, although boys are ignoring her. Allen knew the boy must be very lonely, as she, like, anyway, surrounded by people, loneliness will be halved. So Alan was always bored in front of the boy himself.

Finally one day, to turn around in the Allen home, the boy stopped her. Ellen, my name is Yan Yang.

Alan heart like a spring day, flowers in full bloom as sweet. Also from that day on, 17-year-old Allen knows Yan Yang, Yang's father know that inflammation is a common worker, that my father liked to drink cards Yan Yang, Allen thought that my mother is very poor Yan Yang, while Allen also Yang Yan understand the hearts of great pain. Yan Yang Allen wanted to heal the pain.

Allen once said of Yan Yang, us out of here. Regardless of your father you, I have no
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Yan Yang looked at Alan, I do not leave, I walked into my dad really desperate.

