
Last conidial columns

Last conidial columns

A wise man said, people tell a story you hear, is to promote a point of view, the dissemination of a faith, and this idea is only the concept, and this belief is very few people actually go to practice. The more things called that, is missing most. Can even be said to promote the most are what we all do not want to do.
"Last conidial column", that is, a lack of credit in the era of the world by those who worry long, I hope the men of noble moral re-word a touching legend of the "trustworthy," the story.
"Last conidial column," others say is a bad faith and believed themselves to the tragic story of death rate.
Story takes place in the Spring and Autumn Period in ancient China, Lu. One scholar called End student who has a contract with his girlfriend to meet under a bridge.
Valentine Meet, can not be late, it is generally accepted that the performance in good faith. Therefore, the tail of Health agreed in advance to go on the bridge, where waiting for his sweetheart. However, such a long time that his girlfriend had not arrived. Then suddenly the next storm together, and the next stop, the next was the water surge up. At this time, the end of the coming of Health as one looking forward to his girlfriend, decided to stick to the rain.
Last appointment Health commitment to fulfill. He is a trustworthy person, how can it easily as up front and easy elimination of the mountain river. As time passes, the water rising on the tail of Health only climbed to the bridge column, holding the bridge column to avoid the water, but water is constantly rising, the last born of water flooded the tail head, tail, or not do not give up. He just can not swim for their lives, and he said yes to meeting these columns are the root edge, waiting for him to meet the man agreed. Finally, students holding the end of bridge columns, and drowned.
According to historical name. Last conidial columns trustworthy story basket in this field in this county in Shaanxi, the bridge is called the basket bridge. Oh, this is a place in ancient China, "Death in Basket Bridge" version of the tragedy.
Dongfang Shuo Mei students read the story, praised: "the letter, such as the end of life."
Comments are celebrities, the end of a typical Lutheran Health as a lecturer. Health is the traditional end of the trustworthiness of the representatives of the Chinese people. Life is precious, the tail of Health and trustworthy.
Last students should be commended. Because the life of the human spirit and trustworthy high-level performance.
Letter, is an important part of traditional orthodox morality. Letter, knowing this is the word. From the person, from the statement. Person's comments should be honest. Original meaning is sincere. "Said the text": "trust, honesty also." "Mencius": "There is all of that letter has been." "Bk.": "the letter, the words together in the Italian people." "White tiger • Feeling": " believers, honesty also. specificity is also unwavering. "" Mandarin • Jin ":" set to act in that body of the letter. "" Son of Taoism Jia ":" If words of the letter as that. "" Book of Rites • The Solution ":" People do not seek the Suo Yu obtained the letter of that. "is that a mean letter, is honesty, not deceit, what it says, consistency, even if some loss of self-inflicted. As the end of students even if the life lost, it can not violate the agreement, which is about faith.
Confucius said: "with friends to pay, can not believe almost." Indeed, students did last word with friends cross the ethical requirements. Last Health Truly, as scheduled to the date specified location, to the date of the allotted time, the girlfriend yet to come, the end students could leave, but the tail of Health did not leave, the rain suddenly to the special circumstances, the end of students could leave the end of students did not leave , jumped in the river have been life-threatening situation, students could leave the tail, but the students did not leave the tail. For all that you hold column died. The highest level of achievement of the word.

